The final 3 words I have chosen are:
Analysing the Sounds
- First sounds of the music as it starts is a beat that is consistent and sounds like a beep. Could represent a time bomb as it sounds like this, or a very fast heart beat.
- Drums come in- regular heart beat, heart beats with body movement. When drums repeat in fast rhythm could be heart stuttering.
- Another beat comes in and is a different less positive note. Could the two beats represent a male or a female? or good and evil.
- Playing at once.
- Drums beat together consistently, this could represent a argument or a fight. Maybe a re-direction.
- Long sound starts and changes its notes throughout over powering all other sounds.
- 1.19 sound starts to deepen- could represent 3 things happening in unison. Approaching a climax point.
- Drums beat fast again- this representing stuttering or fading away.
- 1.40- gets very aloud- all things happens at once.
- 1.47- Music calms down and gets very quiet, could represent heat rate settling down or becoming regular again.
- 2.10- Another smoother sound comes in and is consistent.
- 2.21- All sounds come together again and gets very loud. Represents heart rate getting faster or something exciting happening.
- 2.50- sounds stay very consistent.
- 3.15- All sounds come together again, very loud, could be a potential climax point for something memorable to happen in the animation.
- Loud Drums.
- 3.27- All sounds stop and drums come in again with a regular beat. Represents the end of something and the start of something new. Something defeated?
- 3.28- Loud horn sound for short moment representing something else happening.
- 3.58- Horn sounds every few seconds, another character could interfere.
- 4.40- small part with drums.
- 5.08- Up down up down sound. Happy sound. Consistent until 5.49.
- 5.55- All sounds fizzle out to the end- the end of the narrative. Happy ending or character getting tired and dies?
Structure of Track
- 1.30 realisation
- 1.52 Calms
- 3.27 Calms after climax
- 4.00 Vocal
- 5.00 Siron sound starts
- 5.37 2nd climax point
- 5.49 Simmers out
Sound Diagram
Here I have used different shapes and symbols to represent each sound that I hear when listening to The Pulse. This diagram also shows the order in which each sound comes into the song. I am now able to choose which part of the song is most suitable to my idea and edit it to my needs. I am able to choose a calm point and a climax point by looking at this diagram.
Primary Research
After listening to the music I felt that it was a good idea to ask other people their opinions of the track to see what their first thoughts were. I asked the members of my family as they are all different ages, this would give me a wide coverage of opinions.
Mum: "It sounds like a fast heart beat at the beginning."
Dad: " It's a very fast track with a lot of drums."
Brother: "It sounds like a track you would put to something like James Bond, someone that was on a mission."
All of these results are what I expected as they are what I thought about track when I first listened and they are obvious descriptions. I will now use this research and apply it to my animation findings.
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